Your customers, delighted. Your margins, enhanced.
By Evexi

Industry estimates forecast that the digital signage market will grow at a CAGR between 6% and 8% over the next five to ten years.
In challenging economic times these are impressive figures, but they simply reflect the increasing sophistication and demand for data and choice in the modern consumer.
As the market reaches maturity screens have become cheaper, players less cumbersome and the cloud a natural home. In addition to the global chains and brands who drive any market, digital signage, and the software behind it, is now easily available to small independent retailers and the QSR sector. Outside of the retail and hospitality markets new sectors, including charities, education, transportation and cities are adopting screen technology.
Evexi is your value-add partner
As a channel partner you will guide your customers through the complexity of what goes on behind the consumer facing scenes, including IT, AV, mechanics, display, installation, maintenance, hardware selection and, of course, the driver of the technology, software.
Evexi is a channel-based business which means we work solely with our network of ever-expanding systems integrators. We offer the latest digital signage technologies and tooling to provide your customers with the best-in-class digital signage solution.
We deliver Evexi as a SAAS solution and you can purchase our licensing through distribution. We understand the competitiveness of the market and ensure that your value-add is accommodated in our pricing.
Join Evexi on the journey; we are expanding within the UK market and are signing up new integrators on a weekly basis. Evexi are your value-add partner
Contact us today for a demonstration or a discussion about how Evexi can help you capture increased market share.
Turbo charge your business.
Contact us today for a demonstration
or a discussion about how Evexi can help you capture increased market share.